Stomp Out Racism Rally New Glasgow 9.5.20

by Teens Now Talk August 30, 2020

Glasgow Square was the backdrop to showcase how Youth are the heartbeat of change and to uplift youth voices while keeping the momentum of the BLM movement top of mind.

Teens Now Talk and =ITY, Inspiring Today’s Youth Society, will host another powerful Stomp Out Racism rally, on September 5, 2020, in New Glasgow.

Image…being surrounded by the sound of a multitude of drummers, beating for 8:46 seconds and when they stop, you have the opportunity to “Say Their Name” and honour all who have died and suffered the impact of racism… You will also have the power to make a change and Stomp Out Racism!

NOW, STOP IMAGINING!  You are invited to come and show your support!

TNT and =ITY have carved out an important space for today’s youth, with powerful drummers, speakers, and performers from various backgrounds and communities, to share and speak on racism & discrimination, mental health, education, and much more.

Teens Now Talk Black Lives Matter Stomp Out Racism Stomp Out Racism Rally -BLM
Glasgow Square – New Glasgow NS

September 5, 2020,  2:00 – 3:30 PM

NOTE: Before attending, remember this is a masked event – Must wear mask and hand sanitizer and masks will be on hand for those who need – Read the NS COVID-19 rules.

Come show your support! Read about our speakers Be apart of our youth-oriented Black Lives Matter rally, view (Halifax Rally 8.15.20) as we ALL (Black, Brown, and Allies) come together in solidarity. CHECK OUT OUR FACEBOOK NG EVENT PAGE!

Teens Now Talk Black Lives Matter Pop Up Shop

We have youth saying, “I am NOT your threat, so why do I feel threatened every day?”

“Together, we can empower the youth who are the heartbeat of our future and the generation that will carry the torch to Stomp Out Racism.” Jessica Bowden M.S.M.

Mark your calendar for September 5, 2020, 2:00 – 3:30 pm, to NOT miss this powerful youth-oriented Black Lives Matter rally entitled Stomp Out Racism, which is being presented by Teens Now Talk and =ITY (pronounced Equity) –Inspiring Today’s Youth Society and in partnership with MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law and Town of New Glasgow.

Marcie Ien Teens Now Talk BLM

Listen, exactly! The air and energy is getting quiet, people are getting comfortable and thinking things are over.  We cannot go back to what they think is normal, because to us this equal death! This is when we must “Hold The Line” show up, speak up, and start the change. The opening drummers will play for 8:46 seconds. the sound will be a wake-up call heard throughout New Glasgow and through live stream, across the world!

“Hold The Line” Black lives Matter Tees and hoodies that are making a local and international impact (example from The Social TV Host Melissa Grelo and Marci Ien)  across the world will be on sale at the event or you can pre-order and pick up on the day of the rally. Teens Now Talk Apparel

Teens Now Talk Black Lives Matter Stomp Out Racism


Special thank you’s to:



MacGillivray Law Stomp Out Racism PartnerTown of New Glasgow

Read about our speakers

Jessica Bowden M.S.M – Event Coordinator

Thank You Performers

Thank You Speakers

Thank You For The Press Coverage

SPACE IS LIMITED 250 permitted in the main area   –  Wear your mask   – Practice Social Distancing

Black Lives Matter HoodiesLocal Business spreads the message while helping youth in her communit. #Blacklivesmatters #BLM #teensnowtalk y*** Youth are VIP – Teens Now Talk  encourage family with youth to arrive and be in line, NO LATER then 1:30 if they wish to be ushered to the front of line with parents.
*** All welcome to attend, MASK and practice social distancing is required.***
*** Pick up your Black Lives Matter merch and support locally owned Black businesses, in advance at the pop up shop at Alderney market or during rally.

Black Lives Matter – Stomp Out Racism Rally Presented by Teens Now Talk In Partnership with Inspiring Today’s Youth Society (=ITY), and in partnership with MacGillivray Injury and Insurance Law and Town of New Glasgow.

PS Let’s see if you read our post lol – Find 3-mistakes and follow us on all social media platforms and have your name entered to win a Black Lives Matter Hoodie. Winner announced at the Rally!

Mini invite video 

Previous – Halifax Stomp Out Racism Rally view (Halifax Rally 8.15.20)

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