Turning Passion Into A Profession©
by Lil' J ⋅ January 8, 2019
The most talked about Youth African Heritage Month event, that will awaken the entrepreneurial giant inside each attending youth.
Turning Passion Into A Profession©
Friday, February 22, 2019,
9:30 – 1:30
Paul O’Regan Hall
Halifax Central Library
Grades 8 – 12 – Advance Bookings Only – This event is FULL
Turning Passion Into A Profession© is an innovative and powerful Youth African Heritage Month event designed to empower, enhance, engage and inspire students of African and Indigenous heritage who are in grades 9 -12. This event is FULL, BUT there are more being planned. Make sure your name is on the VIP event List
CLICK HERE – Have a peek of last years event – video
We are honored to have, for our powerhouse keynote speaker and coordinator of our 2019 event. The most sought-after, award-winning entrepreneur and international speaker Ms. Jessica Bowden, M.S.M. Creator of Teens Now Talk, founder of the popular Passport 2 Youth Success XPO, and host of our 2018 event.” Nicole Rosenow-Redhead Central Library Youth Services.
Ms. Bowden who has at least six-first black women achievements in front of her name. Will stimulate the entrepreneurial and career needs and wants of the 300 plus attending students, to becomes agents of positive change both in themselves and in their communities.
The event is designed to breathe life into words such as dream, hope, believe, try, risk and dare, says Jessica Bowden.
Powerful words all entrepreneurs encountered at one stage of their success.
Our power-pack Turning Passion into A Profession(C) lineup of guest speakers are;
Councillor Lindell Smith Halifax first black councillor elected since 2000. Corey Writes songwriter and triple threat performer, Dr. Henry Annan a paediatrics resident at the IWK Health Centre, Jaleesa Tolliver, represent her school, Dartmouth High in the Ottawa’s National Student Commonwealth Forum, and her dream profession is to become a paediatrician. Dr. Olugu Ukpai founder of Halifax Multicultural Drummers. Stay tuned for their powerful and explosive TNT interviews.
Turning Passion into a Profession (C) is a unique and innovative event packed with seminars and hands-on activities to provides youth with the tools to identify their goals and careers.says Jessica Bowden M.S.M. An awesome partnership between Teens Now Talk and the sponsoring partner Halifdax Puyblic Libraries.
It’s more then a event, it’s a much needed platform to engage with African Nova Scotian entrepreneurs to, see, hear and identify with their journey towards success.
PLUS, as a bonus, youth will learn the skill of networking with like-minded and key individuals to help plant or nourish their future seeds. If your youth is not attending….maybe you should ask why not!
“I believe in being proactive when I see smoke, not forced to react when I see fire,” says Jessica. Today’s youth are putting up S.O.S signals and they need to know people can read the signs.”
Jessica Bowden M.S.M. – Inspirational Speaker, Program Strategist, Engagement Consultant, Facilitator, and seven-time award-winning Entrepreneur Jessica Bowden M.S.M. delivered engaging sessions which inspires You-th to turn their hobbies into professions and empowering You-th Voice with the confidence.
Turning Passion Into A Profession – Co-coordinated and Hosted by Teens Now Talk, sponsored by TNT & Halifax Public Libraries
Space is FULL – This event is FULL, BUT there are more being planned. Make sure your name is on the VIP event List
CLICK HERE to view last year’s video -and remember to leave us your views.
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