Texting while driving is a lethal combination!
by Jessica Bowden ⋅ August 30, 2018
TNT Teens has the solution!
All you NEW drivers getting ready to test your
independence on the road...
Pay attention!
Meet PaT©! The TNT Teens’ simple, safe solution that costs nothing, could save you lots of money and possibly your life, or another’s!
Yes, TWD CALW. BITD people worried about DD, now we’re adding TWD to the mix!
Stop and think of the last time you saw — or even worse, have been in the car with — someone whose eyes were down on their phone TWD.
Then within seconds lifted their head JIT to HTB before smashing into the back end of another car. Brakes squeal, everyone takes a sigh of relief, AAS, and then the OMGs and what-ifs stay in your head for a few days!
Seriously, was the person on the other end of the phone more important than your life? I know you say, “He/she is to die for,” but not literally! If your peeps respect you, they’ll wait until you can safely reply or see them 2NITE or 2moro!
Was the 411 a matter of life or death? Was their telling you about what the next person said, or sharing yesterday’s gossip worth putting your safety and others’ in jeopardy?
Do you want to lose your licence because of distractions?
Here are just some of the consequences of TWD!
NS TWD penalties have increased
- Learner’s licences — receive four demerit points (you’ll lose your licence for six months)
- Pay a huge fine – increased now to $233.95 for a first offence and UP! So WTWI?
- Possibly hurt someone or yourself really bad.
- TWD is not worth It! Just think PaT©
What R Teens Really Saying???
BAG – Busting a Gut BITD – Back in the day
DD – Drunk Drivers CALW – Came a Long Way
WTWI – Were They Worth It WTWI – Was Texting Worth it
2moro – Tomorrow 411 – Information
2nite – Tonight TWD – Texting While Driving
WAD – What a Drag HTB – Hit the Brakes
JIT – Just in Time DBH – Don’t be Hatin’
AWTTW – A Word to the Wise NS – Nova Scotia
BTW – Behind the Wheel B4U – Before You
PaT – Park and Talk AAS – Alive and Smiling
DBMAC – Dad Buy Me A Car