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"Don't be shy about asking for help. It doesn't mean you're weak, it only means you're wise." - Diva

Dear Diva
My school is hosting a dry grad and I was the first to sign up. Problem is, most of my friends are not going. They call it a “baby grad,” they diss me and call me names when they are around their friends, and publicly make fun of all the people who said they were going … EVEN ME. I want my grad to be the best night ever because I worked hard to graduate. A part of me is sad they won’t be there to share the memories, but, after seeing this other side of “my friends,” I am kind of glad they won’t be there.
~ Hangover-Free
Dear Hangover-Free
Good for you for taking a stand and going to your dry prom! First, pat yourself on the back, because you worked hard and now will be going into post-secondary. Second, you will not be the only one at the party. Maybe this is the universal way of showing you the special person you have never seen before because you were with your “friends.” Third and lastly, each person has the right to choose how they want to remember their special grad event. Now, if your friends choose to have a splitting headache, to face the possibility of being in danger and who knows what – that is their choice. I will put a bug into your ear to choose your friends wisely in the future. People have the right to make their own decisions, but remember: a true friend will understand and not call you names or try to shame you in public.