Teens Now Talk Magazine and Teens Now Talk online is written by teens, for teens! This guideline explains how we collect and use content specially created by teens.
We're interested in your finest fiction, non-fiction short stories, poetry, artwork and photography, as well as music, movies, games and book reviews... and much more!
Send in your stories, poems, and artwork!
Please read each section carefully before sending in any of your work. If you have any additional questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us.
There are multiple ways you can send in your material. You can send it by mail using the address found on the Contact Page or by submitting it online through the Submit Your Work Page. When submitting by mail you must include your name, birth date, home address, city, province, postal code, telephone number, the name of your school, your grade and the name of your English teacher.
You must be between 13 – 21 years old in order to have your work published. Poems can be from 50 – 200-word count and if you need more, to express yourself, keep in mind, your submission should be no more than 1,000 words, Max.
Any work you submit may be published in Teens Now Talk print magazine, in our book series and/or on our website; poems may also be published in the Poetry Journal. We don’t return submissions, so it is best you keep a copy.
Label all work fiction (not real) or nonfiction (real events). Be sure to include the title(s) and genre of all work being submitted. If you are submitting work through the website you will be required to fill the checkbox stating that you agree to the terms of this submission guideline.
If you’re submitting work by mail you must include the following originality statement at the end of your submission: “I [your full name] hereby agree/certify that the above submission is completely my original work,” followed by your full name and telephone number to affirm this is your work.
By submitting your work to Teens Now Talk, all submissions become the property of Teens Now Talk Magazine Publishing Inc. (Teens Now Talk) and you are providing Teens Now Talk with the non-exclusive right to publish your submitted work in print, online and or in any formats. However, all individual contributors to Teens Now Talk retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere, and you have Teens Now Talk’s permission to do so.
If due to the very personal nature of your article you don’t want your name published, you can request that it be published anonymously and we will respect it. However, you still must include name and address information when sending your work.
By submitting your work to Teens Now Talk, all submissions become the property of Teens Now Talk Magazine Publishing Inc. (Teens Now Talk). You are providing Teens Now Talk with the non-exclusive right to publish your submitted work in print, television, social media outlets, and or in any deemed formats. You also retain the right to submit your work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere, and you have Teens Now Talk’s permission to do so.
All submitted writing needs to be original (created by you and not someone else), based on your own experiences or on any subject and in any style (stories, poetry, rants, ramblings, journal entries, lyrics, letters, spoken word pieces, etc.)
We invite you to send in your work to be featured as part of our Teens Now Talk Art Gallery. Each entry must include a short bio of the piece and what it means to you.
Teens Now Talk has no deadlines. We accept submissions all year long. If, however, you are sending work that is holiday-specific, please try to get it in at least two months before the holiday.
Submission may be edited and we reserve the right to publish our edited version without your prior approval. We may not print your name on sensitive personal articles and in rare cases, we may change names to protect the individual’s identities.
All works submitted become the property of Teen Now Talk and all copyrights are assigned to Teen Now Talk. We retain the non-exclusive rights to publish all such works in any format. All material in Teens Now Talk is copyrighted to protect us and to exclude others from publishing with out authorization. However, all individual contributors retain the right to submit their work for publication elsewhere and you have our permission to do so.
By submitting your work, you are giving Teens Now Talk and it’s partners, the non-exclusive right to publish your work in any format, including all print, electronic and online media.
If selected you will be notified by one of our editors at least 20 days prior to the publication date if your work is accepted for the upcoming issue. If you aren’t picked this time, don’t give up. You can submit as many entries as you like. We love getting your submissions, so keep ’em coming!
Are you ready to Write Your World!? Click here to send in your work now!