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Can’t get you Outta my Head

Why oh why
can’t I get you outta my head?!
We are best friends but I want it to be more than that
I want you to be able to call me your boo,
I want to be the person you want to spend the rest of your
life with.
we’re only teenagers now
and yes we’ve got a lot to learn
but that doesn’t mean we can’t be more than just this
we’re both off to university in a few years
and we’ll both go our separate ways
and who knows if we’ll ever speak again
I want you to be mine
more than you’ll ever know
I love you so much that words can’t describe

just give me a chance
I know we live in two different provinces
but that doesn’t mean that we can’t give it a shot
I only get to see you once a year
and I know that isn’t enough for you
but you should give it a chance
you tell me every night

you tell me every night
Before we go to bed
that you love me a lot,
then prove it to me
by being my baby
I love you with all of my heart and

I love you with all of my heart and
you are my beast in the whole world
and that will never change
and don’t even think, not even one tiny bit,
that I will never forget you
For in my mind you’ll always be

my baby no matter what our relationship status is

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