Control, Courage, and Commitment…

When guys say this to a girl... When guys say this to a girl...

When a guy says, “How about we hook up after the dance?” He really means, “I don’t want anyone to know I’m interested in you.”

When a guy says, “If you love me, you’ll leave all your friends and hang out with me,” he really means, “I want to control you and leave you with no place to run when things get tough.”

When a guy says, “I’ve been watching you since the fifth grade,” he’s really thinking, “I hope she doesn’t shoot me down, I just got up enough guts to ask her out!


When girls say this to a guy... When girls say this to a guy...

When a girl says, “Can I bring my BFF with us to the dance?” She really means, “I don’t know you or trust you that way yet.”

When a girl says, “Why is my classmate wearing the sweater I got you for Christmas?” She really means, “You’re caught, we’re over, and I’m going to make your life miserable!”

When a girl says, “I booked the restaurant, so how are we getting to the prom?” She really means, “Oh, you better have money to book a car or I’m not going.”

When parents say... When parents say...

When parents say, “Hon, we are looking for a smaller home,” they really mean, “We’re moving out and surprise, so are you.”

When parents say, “We are so proud of you!” they really mean, “You’re on the right track, let no one tell you that you won’t succeed.”

When teachers say... When teachers say...

When teachers say, “There’s a major test coming next week and I hope everyone is prepared,” they really mean, “If you never listened in class and didn’t do the work, you have some work to do… and quick.”

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