Rejection and Correction…

When TNT says, “Do you like to write?” we’re really saying, “Send in your submissions!”

When guys say this to a girl... When guys say this to a girl...

When a guy says, “Umm…I don’t feel like going to the dance with anyone, I’m just going with friends,” he really means, “I don’t want to go to the dance with you because that would ruin my chance of going with someone hotter.” (<–Jerk!)

When a guy says, “I know you like it when I say I love you,” he really means, “Good, that made you happy, now get off my back.”

When a guy says, “Did you get new eye makeup?” he really means “Ummmm, what’s that stuff around your eyes?”

When girls say this to a guy... When girls say this to a guy...

When a girl says, “Maybe… I’m not sure if I’m free this weekend,” she really means, “I don’t want to date you, but I’m too nice to bluntly reject you.”

When a girl says, “I am glad you had a good day,” she really means, “I didn’t, now let’s talk about me.”

When a girl says, “Do I look fat in these jeans?” she really means, “Tell me ‘yes’ and you’ll be sorry.”


When parents say... When parents say...

When parents say, “Maybe, I’ll think about it…” they really mean, “NO!”

When parents say, “Because I said so,” they really mean, “I don’t have a better excuse but I’m the parent.” When parents say, “Soooo, how was your day in school?” they really mean, “I found out you skipped class today.”


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